Retired U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer joins the Sacramento Press Club in a conversation with Los Angeles Times Reporter Melanie Mason at the next luncheon Sept. 27
Boxer retired from the U.S. Senate in January 2017 after serving 24 years in the upper house and 10 years in the House of Representatives. Before serving in Congress, Boxer spent six years on the Marin County Board of Supervisors.
Throughout her service, Boxer has advocated for families, children, consumers and the environment. She chaired the Environment and Public Works Committee, served as a senior member of the Foreign Relations Committee, and served as the top Democrat on the Senate Ethics Committee.
Boxer wrote landmark legislation establishing federal funding for afterschool programs. She also worked to fund anti-gang programs, pass the Violence Against Women Law (VAWA), and the Community Policy “COPS” Program. Her bill to prevent the criminal use of personal information obtained through motor vehicle records was signed into law and upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court. In the Senate, she fought back against repeated attacks on women’s health and a woman’s right to privacy.
Since retiring from the Senate, Senator Boxer has been volunteering for the political action committee she founded, PAC for a Change, raising awareness about the importance of voting in every election and helping candidates make life better for the people that they serve.
An author of several books, Boxer’s message in her latest book, The Art of Tough, is the need for each of us to be unafraid to fight for positive change in our communities and in our nation.
Melanie Mason covers state government and politics in Sacramento. She first began working for the Los Angeles Times in 2011 in Washington, D.C., where she covered money and politics during the 2012 presidential campaign. She is originally from Los Angeles and is a graduate of Georgetown University and the UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism.
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